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Revision 0.2.4 (2023-06-28)

Brasil [BR] Català [CA] Česky [CZ]
Dansk [DK] Deutsch [DE] English [UK]
Español [ES] Finnish [FI] Français [FR]
Íslenska [IS] Italiano [IT] Latviešu [LV]
Nederlands [NL] Norsk bokmål [NO] Polski [PL]
Português [PT] Slovenščina [SL] Slovensky [SK]
Svenska [SE] Türkçe [TR] Việt [VN]
Ελληνικά [GR] Български [BG] Русский [RU]
Српски [SR] Українська [UA] 中文 (简体) [CN]

About: Add a Photo Sphere viewer to your gallery.

It works only with equirectangular projections (what Google Camera produces).

How to use :
1. Upload your photo sphere as any other photo
2. Tell Piwigo it's a photo sphere by checking the checkbox on the photo properties page, or by using the new action in the batch manager

Changes: Fix "Photo Sphere" checkbox not visible on photo properties page

Physical Photo Move

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Revision 2.21 (2023-06-03)

English [UK] Português [PT] Slovenščina [SL]
Русский [RU]

About: The problem with using physical albums is that if a photo file is moved to a different folder, the next synchronization process will delete the original file info from the database and re-create it in the new location. This means all of the metadata associated with the item (tags, description, etc.) are lost and have to be entered again.

Physical Photo Move (PPM) is an extension that allows an existing item (photo, video, or album) in a physical folder (i.e., not in the upload folder and linked into a virtual album) to be moved to another folder, preserving all metadata.

Changes: Bug fix:

* error when moving an empty folder


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Revision 1.0.19 (2023-05-10)

Deutsch [DE] English [GB] Français [FR]
Nederlands [NL]

About: This plugin exposes more of the standard Piwigo website functionality for the PiwigoClient Android app (or others) to make use of.

NOTE: This plugin adds the features to your server. Your client app may or may not choose to support these new features.

PiwigoClient v1.3.96 upwards will make use of these new functions.

Eventually, I hope these features will be added to the core Piwigo server code, thus this plugin will steadily contain less and less, eventually being empty and thus obsolete.

Features this plugin adds:
* View your own rating for photos
* Mark or unmark photos as being a personal favorite
* Clear your favorites list
* Record access to your piwigo server by users of the WS Functions API (e.g. PiwigoClient users)
* View and manage orphaned photos

Changes: Added a QR code to the user profile page on the piwigo server
This can be used to start the configuration of the Piwigo Client - Pro
Android app, filling with server and username details.


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Revision 13.a-beta (2023-03-24)

  • Author: plg
  • Categories: Plugin
  • Tags: import
  • Available languages: 22 (see)
  • Compatible with: Piwigo releases 14, 13, 12
  • Downloads: 20492
Brasil [BR] Català [CA] Česky [CZ]
Dansk [DK] Deutsch [DE] English [UK]
Español [ES] Français [FR] Italiano [IT]
Latviešu [LV] Nederlands [NL] Norsk bokmål [NO]
Polski [PL] Português [PT] Slovensky [SK]
Svenska [SE] Türkçe [TR] Ελληνικά [GR]
Български [BG] Русский [RU] Українська [UA]
中文 (简体) [CN]

About: Import data from a Menalto Gallery into Piwigo

The algorithm is a conversion into PHP of the Perl script by dschwen, see

This plugin just makes things "simpler" for users but the hard part comes from dschwen, he deserves all credits!

Changes: * compatibility with Piwigo 12 (and 13)
* Split keywords on , and ;
* Allow for more than 2 comment states (published Vs spam/unpublished/...)

I mark this version as "beta" since I have no data set to test it on. Please provide feedback on the forums if you have any problem.

New languages:
* Catalan (Català [CA])
* Czech (Česky [CZ])

BlancMont XL

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Revision 13.0.a (2023-03-17)

  • Author: repie38
  • Categories: Theme
  • Available languages: 16 (see)
  • Compatible with: Piwigo releases 14, 13
  • Downloads: 40497
Brasil [BR] Česky [CZ] Dansk [DK]
Deutsch [DE] English [UK] Español [ES]
Français [FR] Íslenska [IS] Italiano [IT]
Latviešu [LV] Nederlands [NL] Norsk bokmål [NO]
Polski [PL] Slovenščina [SL] Svenska [SE]
Türkçe [TR]

About: BlancMontXL theme is the negative colors of MontBlancXL.

Changes: Update language

New languages:
* Czech (Česky [CZ])
* Danish (Dansk [DK])
* German (Deutsch [DE])
* Icelandic (Íslenska [IS])
* Norwegian (Norsk bokmål [NO])
* Dutch (Nederlands [NL])
* Polish (Polski [PL])
* Portuguese Brazil (Brasil [BR])
* Slovenian (Slovenščina [SL])
* Swedish (Svenska [SE])
* Turkish (Türkçe [TR])

(634 extensions)
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